A great idea way past its time. The paper bottle is equal parts GREEN and brilliant making it .. um.. Grilliant! http://www.brand-image.com/en/

Mminority Report?

Well not exactly minority report cool.. but pretty damn amazing. Now just give me some gloves like this for the Wii!

g-speak overview 1828121108 from john underkoffler on Vimeo.

Johnny Lee and the playstation Wii

This is just an amazingly simple concept that will change the gaming world and inspire multiple industries. Kudos!


There is just something special about a blending of technology and organic evolution when its done this well. How is this not in every gadget store in the world?

Air Art from flip on Vimeo.

Cool stuff.. that you can buy today

One of my biggest gripes with finding all of these cool design blogs online is that you can never buy them anywhere. Everything is a freak'n concept.. well, with that in mind we have found some seriously cool lights that you can go out and spend you hard earned cash on this very second. Now, only if we could get paid for sending people to this stuff.

First up is a Balloon light you can find at Charles & Marie.. and yes.. it really is a balloon. So get your freak on with whatever balloons you want just by sticking this special little light kit in the blow up balloon . So simple its profound.

Coolness and luminous #2 From Charles & Marie once again is the Lamp Lamp. Clearly its so nice they had to name the same lamp twice. I could not agree more. It one of those cool ideas that just makes you grin with appreciation for the odd and left of center.

Now this right here is just creepy. Again, Charles & Marie . Yet, so cool. Who would have that that making a little baby head look all bubbled up and drippy with some melting wax would be so interesting. But it is. I am not saying you should get this for any friends with kids or anyone who gets creeped out easy. But for those of you who do appreciate some strange little nick-knacks in your life.. this fits the bill big time.

The Huit - Infinity Couch

I killer couch form French designer Emmanuel Laffon de Mazieres. There are a handful of these types of infinity couches on the scene but leave it to a French dude to make it all sexy and sleek. Well don hoo hooogh ho. (those are french noises)

Holy Alternative fuel Batman!

"When deciding on the 'Publisher's Choice' vehicle, we often look
for a car that symbolizes where the luxury and exotic market is
headed," says Tom duPont, founder and publisher of the duPont
REGISTRY(TM). He adds, "The 'Scorpion' provides
environmentally-conscious consumers with a car that has the stand out
design and performance of an exotic car, but keeps carbon footprints
at a minimum."

Quite possible the coolest of cool new cars in the works. The Scorpion at $150,000 is not only the coolest looking green machine I have ever seen.. but it might just be the fastest too. Its about an eco-exotic matched the looks and the design. Kudos to Ronn Motorsport